A Sweet Point of View

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Elderflower Flavored Fonio Granola with tropical fruits.

Granola is one of the things that are so easy to make and very practical and something I like to have handy for breakfast or even when I’m baking. This granola is flavored with one of my favorite spring flavors which is Elderflower and grain that I discovered a few months ago which is native to West Africa: Fonio.

Fonio has vastly become one of my favorite grains that I love to use for a lot of recipes. The grain is similar to couscous in makeup but has a very distinct taste that is very different from any grain I have eaten so far.

Elderflower Flavored Fonio Granola with Tropical Fruits (8 of 16).jpg
Holunder und Fonio Granola  (12 of 12).jpg

Even though Elderflower season has drawn to a close in Austria, my fridge is currently filled with homemade Sirup/Cordial that can be enjoyed for the remainder of the summer.

This recipe can also be made with store-bought Sirup, however, I do recommend homemade sirup which is just more intense in taste and has less sugar than the store-bought version. I enjoy the granola in a classic way with milk and sometimes with yogurt and tropical fruits. In this recipe, I share a simple way of also making the cordial, while there are so many recipes out there that use different levels of sugar. There are wonderful recipes for those who want to save on the sugar in the recipes like this one by “A Family on Keto”.

Elderflower Flavored Fonio Granola with Tropical Fruits (9 of 16).jpg

Author: A Sweet Point of View

Cook time: 45 mins

Total time: 130 mins

Serves: 18



  1. Take away the stem from the elderflowers and put them into a container with lid.

  2. Now, cook the water and add the sirup until it dissolves. Cut up 1 Lemon and add it to the Elderflowers.

  3. Let the Water cool for a few minutes, then pour it over the lemons and Elderflowers.

  4. Let the Cordial rest for 48 h or for 3 days.

  5. Then sift out the elderflowers and lemons and enjoy.

  6. For the Granola mix all the ingredients together and put the mix flat on a baking try and bake it for 20 minutes or until brown. Then let it cool and crack it into small pieces.


 For the Fonio Granola

  • 200 g Fonio

  • 345 g Oatmeal

  • 180 ml Elderflower Cordial

  • 1/4 tbsp. Cinnamon

  • 50 g Chopped Hazelnuts

  • 20 g Raisins

  • Desecrated Coconut

For the Elderflower Cordial

  • 10 - 15 Elderflowers

  • 1 sliced Lemon

  • 800 g Syrup Sugar

  • 3/4 l Water

Tropical Fruits and Yoghurt for Garnish.

Elderflower Flavored Fonio Granola with Tropical Fruits (3 of 16).jpg

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