A Sweet Point of View

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Autumnal Pears - Masala Pears with vegan Chocolate Ice Cream


Every year ingredients are like fruit and vegetables are very different in the way they taste of their consistency. This year I would say is a perfect year for pears. For weeks I have been experimenting with different pear recipes and combinations.

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One of the most popular pears is the Williams pear with a green and grey tins in color and a very sweet taste that gets even more intense when left to ripe for a few days longer. This year I am truly in love with pear season, the flavors the sweet tastes and all the possibilities.

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A classic way of adding even more flavor to pears is by poaching them in a combination of spices like Masala Chai. Last week I made a lovely Makahmi Gravy, a classic Indian curry which reminds me of a beautiful event this year. So I decided to make the Gravy for my family and had a lot of Masala Chai spices left over, from Cardamon to Masala, Cloves to Cardamom. These spices gave the Pears a lovely added flavor and made the combination with the vegan Chocolate Ice cream even better. The added warm Chocolate Sauce give the dish its added autumnal feel and the bits of warmth that you need of any dish in the autumn months.

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In tiny steps I have been exploring these dishes and cooking them on my own bit by bit with the help and insight of friends, aunts, my parents and many more, who have shared their little secrets and insights in how to make these wonderful dishes. And as I continue to explore these unique foods, I have made them my own adding my very own unique kinks and twists to create something unique and new. Something to pass along, to evoke the same feelings of home, belonging and love. And so, I share this little piece of home with you and your families and I hope you will enjoy the dish just as much as I do. 

Autumnal Pears - Masala Pears with vegan Chocolate Ice Cream


A Sweet Point of View

Prep time: 6 hours

Cook time: 30 mins

Total time: 6 hours 30 mins

Serves: 6


  • For the Masala Pears

  • 6 medium sized Pears

  • 600 ml water

  • 1 teaspoon Cardamom

  • 6 Cloves

  • 1/2 teaspoon powdered Ginger

  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon Powder

  • For the vegan Ice Cream

  • 50 g Starch

  • 400 g vegan Chocolate

  • 150 ml Almond Milk

  • 250 ml vegan Whip Cream

  • Hot Chocolate Sauce

  • 100 g vegan Chocolate


  1. Melt the Chocolate in a water bath and add milk and Starch into the mixture. Stir until the mix starts to thicken. Now chill the mixture in the freezer for about 1 hours.

  2. In the meantime whip the whip cream until stiff and refrigerate.

  3. Now add a tablespoon of whip cream to the Chocolate mixture in the freezer and stir the mix every 1 hour over four 4 hours to ensure the Mixture stays creamy.

  4. Peel the Pears and cut them in halves. Then put them in a large pot with water and add all the spices. Now cook the pears until tender.

  5. For the Hot Chocolate Sauce

  6. Melt Chocolate in a water bath and add 2 tablespoons of milk.

  7. Now serve the ice cream with pears and hot chocolate sauce on top.

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